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Pink Sugar

Article Magazine "Bah So?" from Frejus

March 2020

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Lula, what triggered your desire to write books?

I have always written, since childhood. My first story was written when I was about ten years old. I was also inspired by it for the writing of my second book and first novel: "Sur le Fil", released in 2018, two years after the release of my first book "Rêveries et Paranoïa". Then at the end of 2019, I wrote my autobiography.

I leaned back into writing when I was taking acting lessons six years ago. The theater has somewhat boosted my creativity, and my self-confidence to publish a collection of texts in two parts (my first book) called "Rêveries et Paranoïa", in 2016.

What are the topics that you tackle?

In my collection, the first part, "Rêveries" deals with the childish universe of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, with puns in almost all the texts that make up this first part. The second part, "Paranoia" is darker, more personal and introspective. There are little pieces of me everywhere, and puns are less present in this second part.

My novel "On the Wire" tells the story of a father interned in a psychiatric hospital and his daughter, Maggie, in a relationship with a woman, who meets a lady suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Finally, in my autobiography "Emma // Lula" I approach the subject of the handicap and the Little syndrome which I have suffered from since my birth, but also of what pushed me on the path of writing, body modifications and tattoos, but also of the LGBT cause and the differences that make the beauty of the Human Being.

What category do your novels fall into?

For "Rêveries et Paranoia": adult collection

For "On the Wire": adult novel / LGBT literature

For "Emma // Lula": autobiography

Where can they be found ?

You can find my books and receive your autographed copy on the shop of my website:
(Official site)

Or in simple undedicated order on Amazon

What are your next projects?

A fourth book and second novel is being written and will be released (still self-published) in 2020, still on the theme of LGBT literature as well as the sequel to On the Wire, the release date of which has not yet been set.

Lula DAWN writer

Intervention of March 17, 2020 at Gay Marseille

Neon Magazine Testimonial
June / July 2021

Testimony collected by Elodie Hervé

Photography: Charlotte Yonga

Interviews: À propos de moi
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